college, Dr. Floyd Williams, Education, Floyd Williams, Leadership, mentorship, Social Issues, Students

Why Do We Need Leaders in Schools?


Nearly every child in the United States goes through the public school system. Educators spend hours throughout the week with children, teaching and influencing them. School is one of the places children spend the most time, so it’s vitally important that school is a place where kids come into contact with genuine leaders who can influence them and their futures. True leaders in schools also help benefit other educators as well as students.

Helps further innovation

When there are true leaders in schools, it helps further innovation in education. School leaders can find ways to improve the processes in education, whether at their individual schools, throughout the district, or on a larger scale involving multiple schools. Innovation in schools improves the learning environment for students and also leads to increased job satisfaction with teachers, preventing burnout and keeping those educators in the field for longer periods of time. There are plenty of parts of education that we can work on improving, so the more leaders in school helping push innovation forward, the better.

Provides students with role models

For many students, the first adult that is a role model in their lives very well may be their teacher. Educators must take this role seriously and develop the traits of a leader so they can set a great example for those children under their care. Having role models to look up to can help motivate students to pursue their dreams and aspire to goals they didn’t think were possible. Make time to talk to students and show them you care.

Mentors fellow educators

In addition to being a role model for students, school leaders can also become mentors to fellow educators. For teachers, especially those just starting out in the profession, it can be immensely stressful. Having a more experienced educator who’s a leader at the school helps new teachers transition into their role and see valuable ways they can relate to students and become a leader themselves within the district.

Works through school issues

When leaders get involved in schools, it makes it easier to work through major issues at the school. Every school has their own set of problems, whether it’s a lack of funds or supplies, underperforming students, or inexperienced teachers. School politics are always present. However, a true school leader makes it possible to mitigate many of these problems and work past them.

Revitalizes school districts

If leaders in schools step up, it’ll be possible to completely revitalize those school districts. One inspiring leader can help change an entire district, leading to incredible progress. Far too many people believe that they can’t make a difference on their own, but that’s not true. The more educators that take on the mindset of becoming a quality leader, the more we’ll see our schools improve and students grow.

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